Now there's Juju -
And there's Ju-uJ.
The former -
A form of
A little about Magic -
Much Science is Magic -
Not Hocus Pocus.
We all know that to be an epithet for
Hocus Pocus -
It's what a 6 year old child -
Shouts out at its parents -
When it suddenly discovers,
That Santa Claus is not real!
I mean -
I don't know how adults,
Expect to keep such a dream -
Balding old men,
Dressed in red, with white trim -
Fake - gross, white whiskers -
Man - and I'm sure some of them -
Were drunk -
No doubt, as a result of Xmas festivities!
"Hocus Pocus!" - shrieks the child -
"Just gimme the money!"
Now, African Magic -
The Juju -
Is not Hocus Pocus.
But I'm not here to talk about Magic,
Or African Juju.
I'm here to talk about the Ju-uJ -
A once secret -
But not so secret now -
'Time Travelling Fraternity' -
Globally known as -
The House Of The Ju-uJ.
Now - depending on what 'Time Line' you choose to believe -
And both appear to be, perfectly rational choices -
It was either started by white... erm ... erm .... Hackitivists -
Now - I was going to say Supremacists, in this day and age that word seems to follow - almost naturally now.
Now don't get me wrong - for I am not a man of colour.
But I read so much about 'White Supremacists' -
Anyway - err...
That will be for another discourse -
Let's keep things calm -
Now we can all talk about race - can't we, ay?
The House Of The Ju-uJ, as it is globally known, was either started by white Cyber Punk Hackitivists or ... well how could it have been started by White, Punk - Cyber Punk Hackitivists? -
I mean, have you met them? - I've met the leader and I've met his second in command - she's pleasant enough - I've met the third in command and other senior officers... all are Black!
Look mate - I don't wanna make colour an issue - but it seems, that some do and so, forget it...
The House Of The Ju-uJ is a - 'Black Time Travelling Community...' - there, I've said it!
Now the other Time Line, the White Cyber Punk Hackitivist, is a lie - a quaint one, since in claiming themselves to be the founder of this set of 'Time Travellers,' they do it honour - and this thing - 'honour' - we 'Time Travellers' share with 'Physical Immortals' (although they are not necessarily the same thing) - in that - "WE ARE..." -- 'what does the good Book say' -
“Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:” Acts 10:34, KJV
(See "The Good Book" (The Holy Bible) - by Jack - our man in London)
Do you believe in God? -
I now believe in something -
You see -
If you've ever been caught in a 'Time Loop' -
It's a bit like 'death' - that.
You don't care - who comes to save you! -
God'll do!
You see -
A 'Time Loop' is where you go round and round and round endlessly - doing the same thing - as events repeat themselves - endlessly...................... the extent of the 'Loop' and hence your distress - is dependent upon -
The "circumference of the events" - so its not -
'How long is a piece of string?' -
But - 'How big is the bucket rim!!!' -
That's not mine by the way -
It's a well known 'Time Traveller' - (Chronos Miester's) -
Ditty slang!
So -
Now -
...If you're ever caught up in one of these things - as a 'Time Traveller,' I can assure you -
You don't care - 'the heck' - who comes to rescue you! -
It could be a KKK man - in full paraphernalia (hahaha) -
Or - an Asian gent - with saffron flowing robes -
Humming santras? Sudras? - Sutras? - anyway you know what I mean -
The Om thing.
Or it could be a - Black man.
A Black man - yeh a Black man!
When it first happened to me - that being the first time -
That I was rescued - from a 'Time Loop,' by a Black man,
We stared at each other.
I was shocked -
He wasn't.
"What's your problem?" -
"How did you get here?" - I said.
"What - so you think - 'Whitey' is the only one, to travel? - Go up and down the 'Hill'?" (1)
"Are you part of some program or something? - you know some social equal op program?"
Now - I remembered - he glowered at me, his face turned first red and then purple - the rage - simmered and boiled uncontrollably - seeking to burst - his ears steamed - he crunched his teeth, clenched his fists - and hit me.
*** Red ink suggests Space-Time Distortions***
I was rescued from the Time Loop, but as I lay on my hospital bed - I mused and hence, these words, for I came to realise, that Time Travelling - out of necessity, represented the way forward, for that rainbow coalition for Humanity which we seek (some of us) - the natural cause of Consciousness Evolution?
And so - I enquired more about this gentlemen - the Black one - and found, that he inhabited - a small apartment above a shop front in London's Soho area, UK. (I cannot give you the details of what is sold there - for if I did, the location would be obvious.)
And so - I shall continue to write about my adventure because adventure it was (Note: for the above - Time Loop rescued by - you can be rescued by non-human entities - such as Extra-Terrestrials and Higher Intelligences - I wrote this portion immediately after the sentence above (Now - I remembered - he glowered at me, his face turned first red and then purple - the rage - simmered and boiled uncontrollably - seeking to burst - his ears steamed - he crunched his teeth, clenched his fists - and hit me.)
But it continually reappears in this location (where it is here.)
You find that this phenomena (unpredictably jumping / moving - sentences, paragraphs & pages) - this is a common experience - its one of the reasons I do not write as a general rule, but its fascinating none the less. My study of this phenomena identifies it as being a quality of the 'Quantum Dimensional State' we are perpetually in as Time Travellers.
The 'Quantum Dimensional State' - I first came across this phenomena when in my bedsit in Greenwich, UK - objects would mysteriously "disappear and reappear in duplicate forms" and vice versa. (For those of you who are not familiar with matters of Time - Greenwich meantime is one of the famous locations, with respect to time. It is regarded as The Holy Grail - by 'Chronos Miesters' (professional Time Travellers) and there is a thriving Time Travelling community there.)
I was able to maintain brief board and lodge - until my financial circumstances as a result of my Time Travelling expeditions - enabled me to afford something more suitable - you may have seen my work entitled "Time Travelling As An Acceptable Hobby" - for details click here. Which became an instant Cult Classic, I am told, for I was not here when it was popular, but on return I found the money, receipt of sales, in my bank account.
The Quantum Dimensional State can be expressed simply as follows - that whilst we know that the Quantum World is governed by probabilities, the question arises as to what happens if there are multiple probabilities, with respect to an object?
Let us conduct a thought experiment (this is the way its done by professional scientists) -
So - supposing my boiled egg has a probability of say a 1/2 and there is also, by some means ( I don't know how, I am not a scientist) my boiled egg has a probability of 3/4 - don't get me wrong, I am not a scientist, but I have read copiously, popular general scientific works, including those on Quantum Mechanics, in particular I would recommend the book - (DETAILS).
So there's the boiled egg of 1/2 probability and there's the boiled egg of 3/4 probability, existing in 2 states, on a single plate - ignore knifes, forks, other food items, such as chips - because this is a thought experiment. Although mind you, this actually happened to me with a - ham sandwich! -
I leave the room and when I come back there were 2 ham sandwiches on my plate. I leave the room again and this time, there were no ham sandwiches on my plate. This actually happened so - ditto the boiled eggs - thought experiment.
Possible solutions (thought experiment) -
1. Someone has come in from another room and placed a 2nd egg on my plate.
2. Someone has come from another room and removed both eggs.
These 2 options don't seem plausible, for I am not aware of any other rooms, unless one were to speak of inter-dimensionality, higher planes, hyper dimensional spaces and so on. But lets try and keep this simple - all other explanations require some kind of Time Travelling explanation - shift through portals and so on, but you know what - your not going to learn much about Time Travelling and how it really works, if I try to explain things by theorising about it and though experiments - I'm gonna tell you how it really works - how it really happens! -
Because - I'll put my hands up, I'm not a scientist, I'm self taught and I'm proud of it - I'm proud of my common sense approach and I do not need to indulge in the poetic language of those scientists who try to claim they know how it works, since I speak from experience - and so I shall reveal to you, the secrets I have discovered, as result of practical exercises - resulting in hard facts!!! - in this journal - "A Time Traveller's Chronicles - Expeditions In Time."
(1) To 'Go up and down the Hill' - is 'Time Traveller's' ditty slang, for 'Time Travelling.'
Specifically to "go up the Hill" is to travel to 'Higher Dimensions' and to "go down the Hill" - is to travel to 'Lower Dimensions.'
The word 'Hill' is often used as slang for 'Inter-Dimensionality.'
There is a related - ditty slang - 'Time Travelling' tradition - which uses the children's nursery rythme - 'The Grand Old Duke Of York' - to explore aspects of 'Time Travel Law,' 'Custom,' 'Tradition' and 'Lore.' The following is a quote, from the relevant verse -
"The Grand Old Duke of York
He had 10,000 men
He marched them Up to the Top of the Hill
And he marched them Down again."
(I shall not deal with the title "Grand Old Duke" - the symbology - numerology and relevance of the 10,000 - for an explanation, see the 'Dictionary Of The Science Of Abstract Consciousness.')
This 'ditty slang,' was once a particular Time Travel colloquialism - used by Special / Select TT (Time Travel) Forces in the Military.
Over the centuries, it has been used in more general situations, where a large group of 'Time Travellers' are - "under Orders." It is now commonly applied to Corporate groups / entities, Religious Orders and Global Cults. Thus the distinction between "going up the hill" and to "march" (explanation to follow) - is now a matter of degree / emphasis.
'The Grand Old Duke Of York' - the last two line, deal with the concept of 'Time Travel' and 'Inter-Dimensionality' - to quote - "marched them Up" - is to transport a group of men, women and others into a 'Higher Dimensional Plane.'
"And he marched them Down again" - is to transport a group of men, women and others into a 'Lower Dimensional Plane.'
In general - see a Dictionary Of The Science Of Abstract Consciousness. For a further explanation and usage, see this Author's - "A Time Traveller's Chronicles" ('Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill') by Jack - our man in London (Soho.) For details - click here.