"The Cult Of The Ju-uJ" - was strange even by the standards of urban cults which had developed in the mid 21st century.
In the main, it was an urban cult and therefore its members of various offices and residences were scattered globally.
"The Cult Of The Ju-uJ" would not describe itself as an "elitist cult" - yet through its strange behaviour, either by design or accident, it came to be regarded as such an organisation. My own opinion is that this aspect of the cult, was something that it did not particularly wish to cultivate, but occurred as a result, as I said, of its strangeness.
Now you may say - all cults are strange - and to a degree I would agree with you, although that is not necessarily so. In fact history would tend to suggest the opposite and by this I mean, it is generally accepted that all spiritual organisations, in the main, start as a small grouping of devoted individuals, around a leader and then in time by degrees, expand. If one accepts this hypothesis - then in a sense, all - or at least the majority of spiritual organisations, at one point or another, were - or could properly be described, as cults.
Be that as it may, I think we all know what we mean, when we describe such a "group" "organisation" or "society" as a cult.
It sometimes refers to a rather secretive organisation, but not necessarily so, they are usually small, certainly at the initial stages - and it is those characteristics, which in terms of organisational structure, causes them to be referred to as cults. But a cult isn't necessarily a small group, many become large organisations, some make the transition to become mainstream religious organisations in societies and some don't - and they are often referred to as cults.
So we know therefore, that it is not exclusivity or secrecy alone, that makes a cult a cult. There are other aspects of behaviour, which many of us would describe as strange or even dangerous, which causes us to label such groups - cults.
Now I make an admission at this point - I am not an expert on cults and I have been asked to prepare this report on a number of cults, simply because of my understanding of the nature of how groups operate following the end of "The Prelude" and when the Planet moved into "The Time of The Age of the Interregnum." So although I am not an expert on "cults" I am an expert on global organisations, groups and societies - my particular speciality is on the global and inter-diplomatic relations, between Humans and Machines. I sat on a number of high level councils in relation to this development - especially following the collapse of "The Triumvirate" and I was engaged in consultations regarding the protocols of peace between Humans and Machines.
However, the main reason, I was asked to prepare this report was because I became friends with a number of the senior members of "The Cult Of The Ju-uJ" and therefore this report, which is an official report and will be recorded and I believe, eventually published, was requested by the 'High Council of the Global Conglomoramatons.'
I am not a bureaucrat, although I have been involved in many technical matters regarding the structure of societies and groups as I have said, which is my speciality, but it was this personal connection, which caused me to be asked. I mention this because those who expect a bureaucratic detailing of this cult, may be disappointed. The report is based largely on my diary entries that I made during my encounter with senior members, memories of conversations, meetings, and discussions with specialists involved in global cults, particularly those which developed during "The Time Of The Age Of The Interregnum."
Of course during that time, there were a whole variety of cults, many "non cult groups" - masquerading as cults, in order to obtain the requisite registration and certification, necessary to become a cult. However there were a number of oddities, for example a number of criminal cartels became registered and certified cults. - the one I find most amusing - I didn't believe it myself at first, but I have, having been told, since verified the truth of the matter - where a group of 'Politechnicians' - an endangered species of public representatives!! - who became quite a significant cult. That aberration can be explained by the fact that they are a dying breed. Who wants to be represented anymore? - that type of institution has been totally discredited - The Triumvirate saw to that.
In addition, I suppose the relative small size of this organisation, along with the fact that as members died, the cult got smaller and smaller, and was unlikely to ever regain any significant size and position as an organisation - was also an explanation for its successful registration and certification.
"The Cult Of The Ju-uj" is peculiar for a number of reasons - no strange was the word I earlier used - I believe? - the most significant being its motto, "don't join us join them!" - which they took, extremely seriously.