by Jack (Our Man In London)
We used to meet on Berwick Street - in London's Soho area - the various factions - a mutual peace existed - we met after the gangs had left.
The Black dude - that punched me - I told you 'bout him earlier - yeah! - he punched me - then rescued me - from a 'Time Loop' - funny ain't it? (see Event One.)
Well - a few events further on - we met up again - long story, which I will tell at some point, separately - since it deserves being told - in full - carefully... since as a White man - I wanna present this Black Time Traveller's tale - as accurately as possible and fairly, without any bias.
I shall tell this tale and that of his cohorts in my "African Renaissance & The Black Futurists." These are my recorded observations, notes and commentary on life during "The Age Of The Interregnum" - that sorry state of affairs on this Planet... well I say sorry, it's been a sorry state for centuries, perhaps? - So, I should say 'sorrier' - 'sorrier state of affairs.' I shall find some 'connections' - and 'networking fields', which I shall make available, shortly - yeah - "The Age Of The Interregnum" was not a nice time to be around.
However, for the purpose at hand - it's sufficient for you to know - that I met with the "Elders of The House Of The Ju-uJ."
Their purpose was to make contact - 'having returned!'
They felt, that having rescued me from a 'Time Loop' - and as 'Black Futurists,' 'I owed them!!!' -
And I suppose, there's some truth in that - 'cos if you're not rescued - you can be lost in an 'Indeterminable Event Series' (IES) - which some say is worst than death.
They wanted me to act as an Agent - 'in their project' - a kind of 'go-between' with 'Knights Templars.' They've got a community in the Temple, Strand London and also to meet with some 'Freemasonic Illuminati types' - they're in the City of London - nothing has come of any of this - but we still meet up.